Thursday, June 24, 2010

Apple Corer


Never knew there was such a thing till recently...yah, serious! I saw this gadget in Tesco and it was selling for 38 cents. Yes, 38 cents! I bought it, not knowing what it was, because it was 38cents. LOL! When I found out what it was, I was even more delighted to find that it works, really well. Come on, how many 38cents gadget can you find that works well. For that matter, what can you buy these days with 38 cents. Anyway, I've since bought every available unit of this gadget from the Tesco branch where I shop, to give to relatives and friends. I won't tell you which branch. LOL!

What is an apple corer? According to, an apple corer is a kitchen tool which is designed to remove seeded core of fruits like apples and pears. Yeah, I know you knew that already. LOL! How to use it? Wisegeek says: The cylinder is placed over the center of the fruit while the use pushes down on the handle, forcing the cylinder through the fruit. When removed, the apple corer takes the core of the fruit with it, leaving the edible parts of the fruit behind. Very simple...I show you lah...





So the downside about using this gadget is you got to aim and make sure you push the cylinder along the core of the fruit. Otherwise you might not get to remove the whole core section.

I once knew a girl who ate the whole apple, skin, core and all. We spent 6 weeks sharing a room in YMCA Singapore, and everyday, my sis and I would watch her eat the whole apple..imagining what the seed tasted like, and knowing we didn't want to find out. Anyway, in case you didn't know, as I now know, apple seeds are poisonous. They contain cyanide...a poison that kills by denying blood the ability to carry oxygen and thereby causes its victims to die of asphyxiation. (No, I didn't come up with that very clever statement all by myself...check out this link). Hmmm...I do hope Wendy has stopped eating apple seeds...

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